NEWSLETTER: AALS Section on Law and South Asian Studies, Summer 2014

AALSMany thanks to Prof. Priya Gupta (Southwestern Law School) for preparing the first newsletter for the Section on Law and South Asian Studies of the Association of American Law Schools. The newsletter features a variety of updates, including details on the call for papers for the section’s program for the 2015 AALS Annual Meeting, updates on new scholarship of potential interest to section members, and other announcements.

If any section members have content that they would like to be published in the next newsletter (Fall 2014), please contact Prof. Gupta ( by November 15, 2014.

Click here to download the newsletter [PDF], or scroll down to view the newsletter in your browser.

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We encourage interested faculty and staff at AALS member law schools to sign up to join the Section on Law and South Asian Studies through the AALS website. The link to the section’s website is available here [AALS login information required]. Instructions on how to join the section and receive section announcements by email are as follows:

1. Go the AALS website:
2. Click Log-in in the top right corner. our username will be your law school email address. If you don’t have your password or cannot remember it click “Forgot Your Password” and follow the directions.
3. Once logged in, click the ‘online store’ link to the left and then select ‘Section Membership’ at the top.
4. AALS Section sign-up uses a standard shopping cart process. Select the section you are interested in, add it to cart, and check out once you have selected all the sections of which you wish to be a member (the dues payment will be $0).
5. Once you have signed up for a Section you will be automatically added to the Section’s listservs. [link]

Interested individuals who are not at AALS member law schools may contact Prof. Priya Gupta ( to be added to the Section’s email list.

Download (PDF, Unknown)