Tue Dec 23, 2014 by Anil Kalhan
PANEL: The Postcolonial Lives of Colonial Law in South Asia – AALS Annual Meeting (Sat Jan 3 2015, 3:30pm, Washington DC)
Association of American Law Schools (AALS)
Annual Meeting
Section on Law and South Asian Studies
The Postcolonial Lives of Colonial Law in South Asia
(Papers to be published in the American University International Law Review)
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC
Virginia Suite A, Lobby Level
Saturday, January 3, 2015, 3:30pm–5:15pm
Section business meeting will be held from 5:10pm–5:15pm
As scholars across a range of disciplines have observed, the process of decolonization in South Asia has been long and uneven—in significant part due to the persistence of the legal, administrative, and judicial institutions that were inherited from the British colonial state. This session examines the significance of these continuities between colonial and postcolonial laws and public institutions in South Asia. To what extent, if any, was decolonization a moment of rupture? How did colonial laws and legal institutions survive the formal end of colonial rule and how have postcolonial states in South Asia adopted and adapted them? And with what contemporary implications and consequences? The panelists will investigate law in colonial and postcolonial South Asia by looking both horizontally across imperial space and vertically across historical time. The speakers bring to the session interdisciplinary perspectives drawn from law, history, political science, and postcolonial studies.
Click here to download the full program and paper abstracts [PDF], or scroll down to view in your browser. Registration information for the AALS Annual Meeting is available here.
Elizabeth Kolsky, Department of History, Villanova University
Dinusha Panditaratne, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Kalyani Ramnath, Department of History, Princeton University
Umakanth Varottil, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore
Anil Kalhan, Thomas R. Kline School of Law, Drexel University
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